Monday 19 September 2011

Places: Cinema - Primary Research

How often do you go the cinema a month?
Do you watch 3D films?

Sophie Wilson
1) Would usually go about 3/4 times a month, bit of a film geek :D
2) Not all that keen on 3D...seems like it's milking the corporate cash cow a bit too much.

Beth Yates 
1) I used to go to the cinema about once a month with orange wednesdays cause it was cheap, but i haven't been in ages.
 2) Some 3D films are awesome but others are pants- depends on how the films made- the best way to see one by far is the imax.

Lisa Whitaker 
1) Probably five times a year.
2) Watched Transformers in 3D(because it was Isaac's Bday) which was pretty amazing, will have been pick and chose cos costs more!

Matt Tucker 
1) once in the past 2 years.
2) not yet but planning on doing so some time soon.

Kirsty Alderson 
1) once a month at least
2) im not keen on 3D films because the glasses irritate me with having to wear them over my normal glasses & its expensive!

Max Gregory 
1) I very rarely go to the cinema
2) 3D films are great

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