Thursday 15 September 2011

Concept: Nostalgia - What makes you nostalgic?

In order to gather evidence that 'Nostalgia' is infact, good, I set about asking as many people as possible, what makes them nostalgic. I had many positive responses, with people discovering childhood memories that they have never recalled before.

The following was posted on my Tumblr blog:

Kath Warburton
Kim & Jessie - M83 reminds me of last autumn/winter
Electric heater reminds me of my nana' house

Music I used to listen to when I was young, or looking through my photo albums ( not Facebook photo albums, the real ones )

Christina Massam
Gardeny/sheddy smells make me nostalgic. And the smell of fresh mint, and a certain bird call but I don't know which bird makes it, but whenever I hear or smell these things I always think of my great Grandad, and how Emily and I would play in his Garden while he would do the Garden work.


Original transformers movie & the cheesy music that went with it, small footballs, david beckham, toy story, screams of kids at playgrounds, ps1, home alone, tom and jerry, non alcoholic beer, flake 99, getting up early in the morning to watch tv, first nike jacket, steps, spice girls lol, school dinners, custard & apple crumble, school uniforms, colour blue. All i can think off the top of my head!

Sophie Wilson
The smell of roses reminds me of home

some specific smells. some songs that will bring you back at a very specific moment. movies you used to watch as kids and you watch back now.

old photos, old sweets, pokemon cards, toys and dinosaurs (cos i lived in that era obviously lol

Beth Yates
songs definitely! when i hear really cheesy bad songs from the nineties i'm always like 'god i remember this coming out!' then i feel seriously old haha :D and theres certain songs that make me think of specific events aswell - like the time warp from the rocky horror show, me and some friends started singing it in the middle of a random street in new york while on a school trip :D it was pitch black and the teachers were lost and i always remember these 2 guys pulling up in a car and having a right giggle at us :D

Kirsty Cave
febreeze apple spice reminds me of home and in a way comforts me (bit weird lol) and songs always remind me of things, i heard lou bega's mambo number 5 on the way back to leeds today and it just reminded me of being a kid :) really cheered me up

James Flanagan
The smell of perfume on my pillow after she has left.

Lisa Whitaker
I have got a glass jug that was my Gran's and I think of homemade Apple pie and cream and her kitchen every time I use it!

christmas, disney, old sweets, the smell of cut grass

Music and food


tv shows or movies that are about High School or 90s tv shows I used to watch as a kid

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